Arabian Epic Series XCM 4: Fujairah (Jebel Yebir)
“Brilliant, as always... - If possible, make sure everyone get photographed. ”
“Jebel Yibir 1.0 - Great event, Marking was exactly what was required to ensure I did not get lost or had to waste any time checking on the direction I was taking. Support on route (Phone) worked & was able to get my technical issues resolved while on route, then get back to racing again. Stunning location & best race to-date of the 4 Events so far. The Team continue to improve Race by Race. The only thing I did not receive this time was a message fromt he Premier Online service confirming my timings.”
“Epic and fast - Do more superbike tracks it was good just before I burn out the recovery down hill came.”
“Outstanding - Jebel Yibir, an amazing challenge. One of the hardest events on a bike I have ever experienced. But really great atmosphere and very well organized. Truly Epic!”
“Great Event - Kudos to all involved. Will attend again”