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Eih Pink Run at Al Ain Zoo

PremierOnline > Apex Sports > Eih Pink Run at Al Ain Zoo

Date 16 October 2022, Sunday
Time 07:00 am*
Registration closed on 14.10.2022 11:59 PM.
Cancel/Refund options expired on 14.10.2022 11:59 PM.
Category change options expired on 14.10.2022 11:59 PM.

Join us for a Run, Jog, or Walk for 2.5km or 5km with your friends and family in the Iconic Al Ain Zoo this October 16, 2022 to help us create an awareness in fighting Breast Cancer.

Participants will get a a Free Zoo Entry, Finisher Medal, Gifts for Age Group & Overall, Winners, Raffle Draw
Access to our Fun Activities, Free Medical Check Up, Free Breast Cancer Screening and Mammogram Check Up for Women age 40+ , and an optional Free Flu Vaccine for ages 1-18yo and for citizens.

Green Alhosn App is required to all participants.

انضم إلينا للجري أو الركض أو المشي لمسافة 2.5 كيلومتر أو 5 كيلومترات مع أصدقائك وعائلتك في حديقة حيوانات العين المميزة في 16 أكتوبر 2022 لمساعدتنا على خلق وعي في مكافحة سرطان الثدي.
سيحصل المشاركون على دخول مجاني إلى حديقة الحيوان ، وسام التشطيب ، وهدايا للفئة العمرية وبشكل عام ، والفائزين ، وسحب السحب الوصول إلى أنشطتنا الممتعة ، والفحص الطبي المجاني ، والفحص المجاني لسرطان الثدي وفحص الماموجرام للنساء فوق سن 40 ، ولقاح الإنفلونزا المجاني الاختياري للأعمار من 1 إلى 18 عامًا وللمواطنين.

Individual Categories / Events Price (AED)
Under 10 - 2.5 KM
0 - 9 Years, Male
0 - 9 Years, Female
Under 15 - 2.5 KM
10 - 14 Years, Male
10 - 14 Years, Female
Junior - 2.5 KM
15 - 18 Years, Male
15 - 18 Years, Female
Open - 2.5 KM
19 - 39 Years, Male
19 - 39 Years, Female
Masters - 2.5 KM
40 - 49 Years, Male
40 - 49 Years, Female
Veterans - 2.5 KM
50 - 99 Years, Male
50 - 99 Years, Female
Under 10 - 5 KM
0 - 9 Years, Male
0 - 9 Years, Female
Under 15 - 5 KM
10 - 14 Years, Male
10 - 14 Years, Female
Junior - 5 KM
15 - 18 Years, Male
15 - 18 Years, Female
Open - 5 KM
19 - 39 Years, Male
19 - 39 Years, Female
Masters - 5 KM
40 - 49 Years, Male
40 - 49 Years, Female
Veterans - 5 KM
50 - 99 Years, Male
50 - 99 Years, Female
Prices shown include VAT where applicable.
Included: Live Results, Medal, Photo Service or Download, Refreshments, Timing, Free Medical Check Up, Free Breast Cancer Screening, Free Al Ain Zoo Entry, Free Flu Vaccine, Free Access to Fun Activities, and Raffle Draw Free Medical Check Up, Free Breast Cancer Screening, Free Al Ain Zoo Entry, Free Flu Vaccine, Free Access to Fun Activities, and Raffle Draw
Refund Policy: Premier Online guarantees your right to cancel and receive a refund (subject to applicable fees) for paid events within specified time limits.

* Some events have multiple start times and many events request attendees to arrive by a certain time; Please check the Event Information section above for details or contact the organizer for clarification.


6 Days

0 Days Left



Location: AL AIN

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