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Honor Run

PremierOnline > The Baba > Honor Run

City Dubai
Date 30 November 2022, Wednesday
Time 08:00 am*

Our martyrs' deeds shall continue to live in our country's collective consciousness and our people's collective memory for all time. Their courageous efforts will be embedded in history as a source of inspiration for our country's grandeur, stability, and steady progress towards a brighter future. They penned colorful pages with their blood and bravery while protecting our nation, keeping our sovereignty, and maintaining our freedom.
It is with great honor that we pay tribute to those in our military forces and law enforcement who put in so much effort to safeguard our nation's achievements. Those serving in the sectors of development, services, humanitarian aid, and health care within and beyond the country deserve our admiration.
Medals of Honor represent the chronicle of our country's history, and the blood of the martyrs recounts the story of a glorious and proud past. As long as there is life, our martyrs' excellent works and sacrifices will forever be remembered.
The sacrifices of our fallen heroes will continue to live in the hearts of the UAE Citizens and residents as a bright example of the nation's love for its people.
As a community, we owe it to our soldiers to celebrate their efforts to ensure our progress continues. The 2022 UAE commemoration Day Run is a wonderful opportunity for everyone in UAE to show appreciation for the martyrs and everything they have done for us. On Martyrs' Day, UAE citizens and residents will show respect and remember their fallen comrades, the sacrifices they made for their nation and honor the men and women who risked their own lives to protect the flag of the United Arab Emirates, both at home and abroad.
In honoring those who gave their lives in the line of duty and on the battlefield to uphold the nation's principles of commitment, devotion, loyalty, and belonging, these commemorative activities will truly honor our nation's heroes.
يوم الشهيد الإماراتي 2022
ستبقى أعمال شهدائنا في وعي وذاكرة شعبنا للأبد. ستكون جهودهم وشجاعتهم جزءًا لا يتجزأ من التاريخ، كمصدر للإلهام لعظمة بلدنا واستقراره وتقدمه بثبات نحو مستقبل أكثر إشراقًا، فقد كتبوا صفحات ملونة بدمائهم وشجاعتهم لحماية أمتنا والحفاظ على سيادتنا وحريتنا. إنه لشرف عظيم أن نشيد بقواتنا العسكرية وسلطاتنا القانونية الذين بذلوا الكثير من الجهد لحماية إنجازات أمتنا. أولئك الذين يخدمون في قطاعات التنمية والخدمات والمساعدات الإنسانية والرعاية الصحية داخل وخارج البلاد يستحقون إعجابنا.
أوسمة الشرف تمثل تاريخ بلادنا، ودماء الشهداء تحكي قصة ماضٍ مجيد. ما دامت هناك حياة، ستبقى أعمال وتضحيات شهدائنا في الذاكرة إلى الأبد.
ستستمر تضحيات أبطالنا الذين استشهدوا في قلوب المواطنين والمقيمين في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة كمثال على حب الوطن لشعبه.
كمجتمع، نحن مدينون لجنودنا بالاحتفال بجهودهم لضمان استمرار تقدمنا. فيوم الشهيد الإماراتي 2022 يعد فرصة رائعة للجميع في الإمارات للتعبير عن تقديرهم للشهداء وكل ما فعلوه لنا. في يوم الشهداء، سيظهر المواطنون والمقيمون في الإمارات الاحترام ويتذكرون رفاقهم الذين استشهدوا، والتضحيات التي قدموها لوطنهم وتكريم الرجال والنساء الذين خاطروا بحياتهم لحماية علم دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، سواء في داخل البلاد أو خارجها.
على شرف أولئك الذين ضحوا بحياتهم في أداء الواجب وفي ساحة المعركة لدعم مبادئ الأمة، والمتمثلة في الالتزام والإخلاص والولاء والانتماء، فإننا سنكرم في هذه الفعاليات التذكارية أبطال أمتنا.
فيما يتعلق بتكريم شهداء الإمارات ومساهمتهم في الدولة ، يجب على المشاركين ارتداء قميص الفعالية الرسمي المقدم خلال الجري. لن يؤهلك عدم الالتزام بالمشاركة في الجري.

Individual Categories / Events Price (AED)
10K Adults
16 - 19 Years, Male
16 - 19 Years, Female
10K Adults
20 - 29 Years, Male
20 - 29 Years, Female
10K Adults
30 - 39 Years, Male
30 - 39 Years, Female
10K Adults
40 - 49 Years, Male
40 - 49 Years, Female
10K Adults
50 - 59 Years, Male
50 - 59 Years, Female
10K Adults
60 - 99 Years, Male
60 - 99 Years, Female
5K Adults
16 - 19 Years, Male
16 - 19 Years, Female
5K Adults
20 - 29 Years, Male
20 - 29 Years, Female
5K Adults
30 - 39 Years, Male
30 - 39 Years, Female
5K Adults
40 - 49 Years, Male
40 - 49 Years, Female
5K Adults
50 - 59 Years, Male
50 - 59 Years, Female
5K Adults
60 - 99 Years, Male
60 - 99 Years, Female
3K Adults
16 - 19 Years, Male
16 - 19 Years, Female
3K Adults
20 - 29 Years, Male
20 - 29 Years, Female
3K Adults
30 - 39 Years, Male
30 - 39 Years, Female
3K Adults
40 - 49 Years, Male
40 - 49 Years, Female
3K Adults
50 - 59 Years, Male
50 - 59 Years, Female
3K Adults
60 - 99 Years, Male
60 - 99 Years, Female
0 - 3 Years, Male
0 - 3 Years, Female
4 - 7 Years, Male
4 - 7 Years, Female
8 - 11 Years, Male
8 - 11 Years, Female
12 - 15 Years, Male
12 - 15 Years, Female
Prices shown include VAT where applicable.
Included: Certificate, Goody Bag, Live Results, Medal, Photo Service or Download, Timing, Tshirts | Medal | Trophy | Flags
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* Some events have multiple start times and many events request attendees to arrive by a certain time; Please check the Event Information section above for details or contact the organizer for clarification.


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The Baba Events

Location: Dubai

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